E85 Fuel - Pro's and Con's
This list shows the benefits of using E85 fuel. The two most prominent
pros are the fact that its renewable. It is made from corn, or other
biomass material, and can be grown right here on American soil.
- Made In The U.S.A.
- Renewable Energy
- Cleaner Fuel
- Less Expensive Fuel
- Lower Fuel Economy
- Vehicles generally cost more
- Bigger Carbon Footprint
- Adversely effect food prices
Running the E85 vehicle burns cleaner and cheaper. Prices across the
country (where it's available anyway) are anywhere from 10% to 20%
cheaper than regular gasoline. E85 has another benefits as a parts
cleaner. Because of the alcohol content in E85 it can also be used to
clean auto parts, a great advantage for mechanics and auto repair.
It seems, after researching, that the biggest argument against using E85
fuel, or converting to it, is that is saves no energy because of the
amount of energy it takes to produce it. Not only that but the fact that
since farmers have to grow corn to make this fuel, they wont be growing
food. Thus, taking away from the food supply.
A considerable detriment in converting to an E85 vehicle or FFV
(Flex-Fuel Vehicle) is that the vehicle cost more. And substantially
enough that it makes it rough for consumers to choose between the two.